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Create a Search Alert

In order to create a search alert:

  • make sure you are logged in to Scopus (or create an account if you have not done so)
  • perform a search
  • when the results pull up, click on "Set Alert" at the top of the page

  • type in a name for your alert, or use the default (the first 5 words of the search)
  • enter the email address at which you would like to receive the alerts
  • choose the frequency of these alerts
  • choose the format of the emails (HTML or Text email)
  • click "Create" to finish save your alert

Create an Author Citation Alert

To create an Author Search Alert, first do a search on the author of your choice. 

When the results page opens, choose the correct author name.  A new page will open, which shows the author details. In the box on the right side, click on "Set Alert." (You will need to be logged in, or at that point it will prompt you to log in.)

The next page that opens will ask you to name the alert, type in the email address at which you'd like to receive the alert, the frequency, and the format.  Then click on Create and your alert will be saved.

Create a Document Citation Alert

Document citation alerts are sent to you when newly loaded documents cite the document you have selected.  To select this type of alert:

  • select the document you would like to be notified about
  • when the article opens, click on "Set Alert" in the "Cited By" box on the right side

This box also shows you how many times it has been cited in Scopus since 1996.

When the alert box opens, be sure to fill in each box and set your preferences.  Click "Create" to save your alert.

Register with Scopus

When you open the Scopus database, be sure to register and create an account.  This way you can save searches and create alerts.  To create your account, click on "Register" in the upper right corner.

You can use this user name and password with any of our Elsevier databases (ex: ScienceDirect).

My Alerts

To manage your alerts, click on "My Alerts" at the top of the screen.