Financial ratios, such as earnings per share, are figured by comparing two different elements of a company's financial statement.
You can determine a company's performance and strength within an industry if you compare that company's ratios with those of the industry.
Each of the resources provided here will cover different industries, include different companies in those industries, provide different data and ratios, and present the results differently. Using multiple resources will help you determine which one best meets your needs.
Industry Statistics and financial ratios
Estimates of industry financials, including selected financial and operating ratios (i.e. ROA, ROE). Data for thirty-four, primarily manufacturing, industries.
The Current Industrial Report (CIR) program provides monthly, quarterly, and annual measures of industrial activity, including data on production and shipments of selected products
A free resource that covers more than 400 industries. For each industry, it includes overviews, key issues, trends and the industry's outlook as well as financial bench marking, compensation surveys and valuation resources.
Thank you to Chloe Dufour, Business Librarian at the University of Pittsburgh, for sharing information from her "Industry Research @ Pitt" Libguide.