Exporting All Search Results
- If you have more than 30 results, first change your page view to show 50 results per page instead of 30 (this will make the next step a little faster).
- To do this, click Page Options at the top of your search results.
- Where it has the "Results per page" box, select it and change it to 50, and then click Apply at the bottom of the menu.
- Now we're going to save our search results to a folder. We'll have to do this for each page of results.
- Select the Share button above your search results list.
- Under the Add to folder text, select "Results (1-30)"
- Repeat this process for each page of search results. Once you're finished, select "Go to: Folder View"
- Now we're going to export our results. One quick notes before we begin: this is a temporary folder your results are saved in that will not be saved after you close this window.
- In the folder view page, click the Select/deselect all box at the top of the page to select all of your results.
- Now on the right side of the screen, select the "Export" button
- On the right side of the screen, make sure the first option is selected.
- Click the Save button on the left side of the screen to download your results. (CINAHL has a limit of 200 citations per export, so you may need to repeat this process several times; if so, use the "Remove these items from folder after saving" box to remove the items you've already exported).