This guide does not present a comprehensive list of titles in the Reference Collection. These titles were selected to provide broad, well balanced coverage within their categories. Consult a research librarian for assistance in locating other titles, particularly those with very specific coverage, if the ones listed do not meet your needs.
New York Times Index, 1851-2000
Call Number: Located: Lower Level
Includes obituaries (listed under Deaths). Salmon Library has a complete run of the New York Times newspaper from 1918 - Feb. 2001 on microfilm. See also the New York Times Obituaries Index (CT213 .N47 and CT213 .N471)
The following is a selected list of titles that provide broad coverage. Other master indexes are available covering a variety of specific topics. Consult a research librarian for assistance in locating other titles, if the ones listed below do not meet your needs.
We have several excellent databases to use for biographical research. From the databases listed below you will be able to retrieve reports and articles. If you need help using the databases, please call the Research Help Desk (256-824-6529) or come by and see one of the Research Librarians.
Oxford Reference Online Premium brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource.The Core Collection contains Access to the full text of over 130 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. It is a fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of these books, giving subscribers unprecedented access to a comprehensive information resource.