1. Titles that UAH subscribes to in JSTOR.
Arts & Sciences I Collection
Arts & Sciences II Collection
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences IV Collection
Journal of Military History
Journal of Field Archaeology
2. The default Boolean operator is AND.
3. You can only search by: Author, Title, Caption, Full Text and Abstract.
4. 5. Search strategies
1. Boolean - And
1. Cat and dog
2. Cat && dog
3. Cat & Dog
4. +cat +dog
5. (cat dog)
2. Boolean – Or
1. Cat or Dog
2. Cat || dog
3. Boolean – Not
1. Cat not dog
2. Cat –dog
4. Plurals
1. Use &
1. Cat& = cat and cats
2. sky& = sky and skies
3. person& = person and people
5. Wildcards
1. ? = single character substitution
2. * = at ending of word – multiple characters
6. Stemming
1. # - all related variations of the term
7. Stop words
8. Nesting – ( )
9. Exact Phrase – “ “