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This guide was developed to help you find resources for geography research.

Reference Books

Traditional atlases are shelved both in the Reference area under G and in C1 in the map cases (oversized). 

Electronic reference books including dictionaries and atlases can be found through a search in the library's catalog, Ilink or or browsing the online databases. 

Dictionary of Geography
    Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection  



Books, both traditional and e-Books (electronic books), are found through the library’s online catalog, iLink. For a general overview of the library’s collection on a specific topic, use the Words or Phrase or Subject search boxes. If you already know the book's title or author, use either the Title or Author search boxes.

The subject headings listed below can be used to find books related to geography topics in any library catalog which uses Library of Congress Subject Headings, including UAH's ILink. Do a subject search using the terms below to identify books in ILink.  If you need help in refining your search, stop by and ask the librarian at the Reference DeskIf you are off-campus, send a question to Ask A Librarian, text (256) 286-2368, or call (256) 824-6529. 

Aerial Photography in Geography


Commercial Geography

Economic Geography

Geography Ancient

Historical Geography

Human Geography


Mathematical Geography

Medical Geography

Physical Geography

Religion and Geography

Rural Geography

Urban Geography

Voyages and Travels



e-Books (Electronic Books)

To access e-Books directly from the UAH library home page select the Books & E-Books link and then select NetLibrary.  This will open EBSCOhost e-book collection (formerly NetLibrary), so that you can search specifically for an e-Book.  Search using the Full-Text or Keyword or Subject search boxes or if you know the book's title or author, use either the Title or Author search box. 

The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography