Steelcase's media:scape set up is designed for quick collaboration without requiring complicated wiring or display know-how. Their goal, and ours, is to help you work with your peers and colleagues and to share assignments without having to crowd around the same small laptop screen. All you have to do is hook your device up to the PUCK (Personal User Control Key) and then use the PUCK to share the display with any or all of the media:scape monitors. Steelcase provides the following as a quick-start guide (taken from the media:scape brochure):
You can see more information at Steelcase's media:scape website. If you need to check out a laptop or an iPad, or to borrow cables, then see the User Services desk [(256)824-6530] at the front of the library in the lobby and you can check out said items with your library account.
If you have other questions, you can contact the Reference desk by phone, (256) 824-6529, by email,, or by chat [and others] at
Our media:scape modules are located on the first floor, in the south section. They are near the Info Arcade and the Reference Desk.