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AIAA Publications

Information about AIAA publications available through the UAH Library, and how to access them

AIAA Materials in the Library

At the University of Alabama in Huntsville, research and education in the field of aerospace engineering has been a significant part of the history and identity of UAH. Thus,  the M. Louis Salmon Library at UAH has a long history of collecting and providing access to publications from AIAA; these have included books, journals, reports, documents, conference papers, and more.

This link will return those AIAA publications available through the Library Catalog in Primo Pathfinder. (As with any search in Primo Pathfinder, the filters can be used to narrow down results by publication year, or by availability of full-text online, or by the type of publication, etc.)

AIAA Journals Online

Starting in 2016, the UAH Library began subscribing to the currently-published journals from AIAA; this subscription also includes access to the historic backfiles (older issues) from those same journal titles.

AIAA provides access to these through the Aerospace Research Central (ARC)  - the name for their online portal / database for their publications. Currently-enrolled UAH students and active UAH employees can access the AIAA database through this link:

Within the AIAA Journals database, the following journal titles are included in the UAH subscription content:

UAH researchers can search for materials using the main search screen in the AIAA Journals database (ARC) - although it may be useful to filter results to 'only content I have full access to'. Or, alternatively, one can search for articles within specific journal titles using the individual links above.


Please note: AIAA has published several other journals in previous years, but which are no longer actively published. Those older journals (and the articles within those journals) are not a part of the full-text content in the UAH subscription. If a UAH researcher needs an article from one of those older journals, it may help to submit a request for that article through Inter Library Loan (ILL). For more information about the ILL service at the UAH Library, view the ILL page here.



AIAA Journals in Print

Prior to the 2016 start of the online database subscription, the UAH Library also received print subscriptions to several of these AIAA Journals. Some of those older journals can still be viewed in the print journal collections (on the second floor), and others have been moved to the UAH Archives and Special Collections (on the lower level). That list of older print journals from AIAA can be viewed here.

AIAA Materials in Archives and Special Collections

The UAH Archives and Special Collections collects, organizes, preserves, and makes accessible materials of enduring value that support the research strengths of the university.

As such, a small number of older AIAA documents have been included within the collections.

Some of those have been digitized & made available online through the UAH Digital Collections platform; this link will return the AIAA documents available there.

AIAA Conference Papers in Print (1963-2005)

In January 2022, the UAH Library added a large print collection of AIAA conference papers, from 1963 through 2005. These papers are shelved on the 2nd floor of the Library, before the start of the journal / periodical collections. (Note that the papers for 1963-2000 have been bound; the later papers are filed loosely in storage boxes.)

A brief record for these papers was recorded in Primo Pathfinder (link), but note that it does NOT reflect the indexing for individual papers from each conference in that collection.

It is advisable to use the AIAA Meeting Papers (2022-) database as an index for these.

  • Note that full-text of older conference papers will NOT be available online through the AIAA database.
  • However, this database can be used as an index, to help you to find the # for that paper; make a note of what you find. (E.g., if you need Controlling Dynamic Stall with an Active Flexible Wall, the AIAA database says (link) that is conference paper AIAA 2004-2325.)

You can then come to the Salmon Library, to see if the AIAA papers on the 2nd floor (shelved at the start of the print journal collections) includes this paper.

AIAA Conference Papers Online (2022-)

Also in 2022, in order to complement the collection of older conference papers in print (described above), the UAH Library began subscribing to online conference & meeting papers from AIAA, starting with 2022.

AIAA also provides access to these through the Aerospace Research Central (ARC). Currently-enrolled UAH students and active UAH employees can access the AIAA database through this link:

Again, please note that this portal ONLY provides online access for conference papers / meeting papers from 2022 and later.