The Salmon Library Minecraft Server is a slightly tweaked 1.20.x Vanilla/Fabric Minecraft server open to UAH students, faculty, staff, and alumni. You must be allow-listed to be added to the server. It is a semi-casual server designed for people get to play with friends, classmates, and librarians. There is no cost to join or stay a member of the server and people with different levels and styles of play - from people who focus on big builds to people who just want a quiet sheep farm - are welcome.
The main server admin is Doug Bolden (, aka "wyrmis" in game). If you have questions, you can email Doug and ask.
You must be on the allow-list to join the server. To join the server, use the Salmon Library Minecraft Server Application form (note: must use UAH email address to access/submit form):
There is also a Discord server that is optional for people to use: Fill out the form, above, or contact Doug if you wish to receive an invite.
NOTE: Doug will run batches of new applicants on Monday through Friday mornings. If you have applied and not heard back by noon the following weekday, contact Doug to make sure he received your application.
Membership on the Salmon Library Minecraft server is based on following the rules. The first rule is by far the most important. These are subject to change (and already have changed from their initial draft). It is up to the players on the server to keep aware of the current ruleset.
It depends on the rules you violate and the overall impact to server stability, but you may or may not be de-allow-listed immediately. If you are, Doug will email you to inform you why and what steps might be taken to be allowed back on unless the behavior is deemed so petty that it was intended to try to invoke a ban. Essentially, the decision to allow people who severely violate these rules to return to the server is entirely up to the discretion of Doug [but generally, he is willing to work with people].