Includes PoemFinder, EssayFinder, PlayFinder, SpeechFinder, and ShortStoryFinder. Indexes poetry, essays, stories, etc., from 1,800 anthologies, 2,600 single-author works, and over 4,000 periodicals. Searching for word or word combinations in titles, first and last lines in poems, book title, author, and thousands of designated subjects. International in scope and includes poetry from antiquity to the present.
Contains over 550,000 citations with abstracts to articles appearing in 1,000 international periodicals covering business and management as well as related functional areas including trends, corporate strategies and tactics, and competitive and product information.
JSTOR provides page images of back issues of the core scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences from the earliest issues to within a few years of current publication. Users may browse by journal title or discipline, or may search the full-text or citations/abstracts. Subjects covered include: African American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, ecology, economics, education, feminist studies, film studies, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, science, Slavic studies, sociology, and statistics.
MLA International Bibliography is an index to books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. Coverage includes literature from all over the world. Folklore is represented by folk literature, music, art, rituals, and belief systems. Linguistics and language materials range from history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, and syntax to translation. Other topics include literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theater), and history of printing and publishing. The MLA Directory of Periodicals and the Association's proprietary thesaurus used to assign descriptors to each record in the bibliography are also included.
A collection of over 400 electronic scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences from nearly 100 not-for-profit publishers. Back issue archives are available, with some titles beginning with volumes as early as 1993.
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