Students from Dr. Joseph Robertshaw's Fall 2022 EH301 classes took part in a Library UX project where they used various tools at their disposal - usability studies, persona creation, model websites, etc - to evaluate the UAH Salmon Library's website and to give suggestions/plans on how to solve an issue. In this case, the issue was:
How effective is the Pathfinder Discovery Service in engaging users with research?
There were twelve teams in total that turned in reports and presentations about this tool and offered feedback, suggestions for improvement, critique, and general overviews of their experiences. The committee read over these submissions and chose three teams to be selectees (see below).
The committee would like to thank everyone who participated in this project, and extend a hearty thanks to Dr. Robertshaw for organizing this idea.
Several approaches were taken in regards to methodology and analysis in this project, and the submissions were informative and useful by way of feedback and improvements. The following three were chosen as being selectees for the quality of their overall work.
In alphabetical order,