Students from Dr. Joseph Robertshaw's Fall 2024 EH301 classes took part in a Library UX project where they used various tools at their disposal - usability studies, persona creation, model websites, etc - to evaluate one of the UAH Salmon Library's tools: one of our LibGuides, resources used to inform students on a variety of information literacy and library organizational topics. This Fall, the students were tasked with reviewing our Information Literacy 101 Libguide. They were asked to review the guide with this underlying priniciple:
If this LibGuide's intent is to introduce first year students to the fundamentals of information literacy as a college student, how well is it meeting that goal?
The committee read over these submissions and chose three teams to be selectees (see below).
The committee would like to thank everyone who participated in this project, and extend a hearty thanks to Dr. Robertshaw for organizing this idea.
There were many good suggestions and found-issues in the ten reports we reviewed. As always, we discuss changes and strategies to implement information from these reports.
We appreciate everyone who helped with these - Dr. Robertshaw, his class, and their very many participants.
We offer special recognition to the three submissions below. Things that library board were looking for include a focus on the "library-ness" of the testing, a diverse [different majors, different stages of an academic career, different backgrounds in regards to library usage] test group to have well-represented viewpoints, the use of proper technology to test the library website, and the general quality of the "sales pitch" to present this information.
In alphabetical order,