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EH 103 Spring 2024 Instruction Guide

Important Note about Audio Files and Recording

You may import audio files at any point when making your podcast. However, it is best to import them after you are done recording. If you have any audio tracks already imported before you record, unless you mute them when you start recording, they'll automatically start playing as you record and will become part of the recording itself, meaning you won't be able to edit them separate from the recording anymore. Even if you make changes to the individual tracks, these won't affect what was recorded as part of the recorded audio file.

Adding Audio Files

  1. Click File from the menu bar above Audacity's toolbar
  2. Click on or hover your mouse over Import 
  3. Click Audio
  4. From the pop-up menu locate the file(s) you'd like to import. You can add multiple files at once or one at a time. To select multiple files, hold the Control key as you click each file (for Windows computers) or the Command key as you click each file (for Apple computers). When you're done selecting files, hit the Enter key or click Open.
  5. Your imported file(s) will now appear in Audacity. Each imported file will appear as its own, individual track, separate from the track with any recordings you've made (if any). You can see the name of each track above the sound waves as well as in the little box to the left of the box with the sound waves. 
    Single Track

    Multiple Tracks