Researching the product market in which the firm competes involves culling information from several sources, so here are some suggestions. In addition, market research reports can help give detailed insight on your firm's product market. The best way to identify these reports is to search in Academic.
Access to information on more than 13 million United States companies, public and private. Records contain company name, address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number; number of employees; estimated sales volume; credit rating code; headquarters, subsidiary or branch; ticker symbol and stock exchange information; line of business description with SIC codes; year first appeared in the database; contact name; names, titles, and gender of corporate officers. Also provides SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code, size (sales or employees), type of company, and key contact. (aka Reference USA)
Access to information on more than 13 million United States companies, public and private. Records contain company name, address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number; number of employees; estimated sales volume; credit rating code; headquarters, subsidiary or branch; ticker symbol and stock exchange information; line of business description with SIC codes; year first appeared in the database; contact name; names, titles, and gender of corporate officers. Also provides SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code, size (sales or employees), type of company, and key contact. (aka Reference USA)