Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary database designed for academic institutions. The database offers information in nearly every area of academic study, including arts, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, ethnic studies, engineering, language and linguistics, literature, medical sciences, philosophy, physics, psychology, religion, social sciences, and more.
ACS Publications provides abstracts and full text for journals and magazines from the American Chemical Society. This site is the source for 1879-1995 ACS journal articles, known as the ACS Legacy Archives.
ARKAT-USA was established in the year 2000 through a personal donation and is duly registered as a charity. It is a not-for-profit entity designed to promote chemical research worldwide and hence benefit students, researchers, commercial or noncommercial enterprises, and humanity in general. The organization adheres to these aims firstly by publishing the totally free online journal, Arkivoc, that reports all aspects of organic chemical research and secondly by organizing the annual Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference which is held at Gainesville, Florida in March of each year and sponsored by IUPAC.
This database is the ultimate science and technology research solution, combining full text journals with detailed indexing of global literature on natural sciences, engineering and technology. Areas covered include materials science, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, biology, aquatic sciences, environmental science, computer science and earth sciences in addition to many more. It fully incorporates ProQuest Natural Science Collection and ProQuest Technology Collection.
Includes the Illustrata upgrade, which allows for deep indexing of charts and figures, helping to pinpoint vital research.
MEDLINE (PubMed) provides free access to MEDLINE, the NLM database of more than 11 million bibliographic citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. Includes access to additional selected life sciences journals not in MEDLINE. Links to the full-text of articles at participating publishers web sites. Links to the molecular biology databases maintained by NCBI. Interface developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). * Full text may require access through UAH.
Provides access to the full text of more than 1,800 Elsevier electronic journals in chemistry and chemical engineering; clinical medicine; computer science; earth and planetary sciences; economics, business, and management science; engineering, energy, and technology; environmental science and technology; life sciences; materials science; mathematics; physics and astronomy; and social science; as well as indexing and abstracting for electronic journals from other publishers.
SciVerse Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.
* Contains 41 million records, 70% with abstracts
* Nearly 18,000 titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide
* 70% of content is pulled from international sources
* Includes over 3 million conference papers
* Provides 100% Medline coverage
* Offers sophisticated tools to track, analyze and visualize research