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Print and online tools related to the study of psychology

Searching Primo


At UAH, our collection can be searched through Primo Pathfinder. In the Advanced Search box, you can search for multiple keywords, swapping them out to find which one generates the most useful search results for you. This will yield results across all of the Salmon Library's physical and online resources, including ebook and article databases.

Primo keyword search

Locations of Psychology books in the UAH Library

This guide inlcudes print and online research tools related to the study of psychology.  It is a selected list of resource materials and is not meant to be inclusive.  For additional research assistance, please see the subject specialist or ask a librarian at the Research Help Desk.

At Salmon Library, the Library of Congress Classification for psychology materials is as follows: HK & HL

Additionally, the classification HL includes the following materials reclassfied from RA, RC and RJ:

o RA 790-795.85 (HL 790-790.85) - Mental Health, Mental Illness Prevention
o RC 435-580 (HL 435-580) - Psychiatry and subdivisions within psychiatry
o RJ 111 (HL 111) - Child health/child health services
o RJ 499-507 (HL 499-507) - Mental disorders/child psychiatry

Reference books are located at S1 (south wing, first floor of library) and have the same call numbers as books that circulate except there is an "R" preceding the call number to denote a Reference book. Reference books cannot be checked out. Psychology books that circulate (can be checked out) are at N2 (north wing, second floor).



Search for a journal title by title, part of the title, ISSN or publisher.  

The Journal Finder will help you find a library database with the full text of your journal article.  

Use the Interlibrary Loan to request books and/or articles not in the library.  To look up a specific topic, see our databases.