SWOT and PEST(LE) Reports
SWOT reports analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats of a particular company. PEST(LE) is a country analysis that includes Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors.
For a SWOT analysis, try the following databases:
- ABI/Inform - In the search field, type "SWOT Analysis" Be sure to use the quotation marks. Also change the Anywear drop-down menu to All Subject & Indexing - SU. In the second search box, type the company you are looking for.
- Business Source Premier - Type the company name in the search box, then use the drop down to the right to select CO Company Entity. In the second search box, type: SWOT analysis.
For a PEST(LE) analysis, try this database:
- Business Source Premier - Type the country name in the search box, then use the drop down menu to the right to select GE Geographic Terms. In the box below, type Marketline. Scroll down to the "Limit Your Results" area and check the Country Report box under Publication Type. The Marketline reports in the results will be PEST or PESTLE reports. Doing that search without adding Marketline will add additional types of country reports.