These are items available to check out from the lab for several days and may be taken outside the building.
Items are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Checkouts require a valid Charger Card or photo ID, review of equipment, and signature on liability form.
Items may be returned ONLY in the lab during hours of operation, after inspection and second signature. All content must be deleted from the device at this time.
Items may be renewed one time if there is at least one item of the same type available (i.e., you may renew a microphone as long as there is at least one other microphone available for checkout). To renew an item, visit the MultiMaker Lab or contact the Lab Coordinator. If there isn't at least one item of the same type available, you will need to return the item and wait at least 24 hours before checking it out again.
Overdue Fines: $5 per day per item (maximum of $25 per item per checkout period)