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Library Introduction for New Students

A welcome guide with important library information and resources

Online Learning Students and Graduate Students

The UAH library offers resources and research assistance for both undergraduate and graduate students. While the resources listed on this page are applicable and available to all students, we also offer dedicated guides for both our graduate students and our online learning students. Click the blue text below to access these guides. 

Graduate Students Guide

Online/Distance Learning Students Guide

General Library Information

OIT Help Desk

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has a physical help desk in the Salmon Library. They can help with computer or network issues, as well as Charger ID password resets or multi-factor authentication issues.The OIT Help Desk is located on the first floor next to the Research Help Desk and is typically staffed Monday through Friday 8 am - 5 pm. 

OIT also provides assistance online and by phone. Phone support is available 24/7/365, while email and tickets submitted through the online portal are attended during OIT Help Desk hours. OIT can be reached at:  

Phone: 256.824.3333
OIT Online Portal

Other Resources

Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives: This guide offers information on the University Archives, our Special Collections, and our Digital Initiatives, such as our LOUIS research repository. 

Copyright and Fair Use: This guide, written by one of our subject specialists, contains information and resources on copyright and fair use.

Cybersecurity and Online Safety: This guide offers detailed information on passwords, two-factor authentication, and security questions. 

Government Documents: UAH receives copies of government documents and publications that have been determined to closely suit the needs of UAH and the community. 

Library Student Advisory Group (LSAG): This group provides students with the opportunity to meet with library administration and share their opinions and suggestions related to the library. 

Minecraft Server: The UAH library has a Minecraft server! It’s open to all students and is a semi-casual server where UAH students, faculty, staff, and alumni can play with each other. 

On This Page

At the Salmon Library, we’re committed to helping UAH students excel in their education and careers. To that end, we offer a variety of resources and services for our students. Below you’ll find a list highlighting some of our resources and services available to you. To learn more, click the name of the resources or service and you’ll be directed to a webpage with additional information. 

Print Collections at UAH

We have a large collection of print materials in the library. The majority of our collection is located on the second and third floors of the North Tower and includes non-fiction and fiction books as well select print journals and conference papers. We also keep a small collection of Reference items at the Research Help Desk such as dictionaries and style guides.

Additionally, we offer a small collection of new and popular fiction and non-fiction titles in the Central Tower near the Art Gallery. Titles here are updated regularly. 

Information Literacy 101: The Basics of Using the Salmon Library

This is a one-stop guide on the basic ways to use library materials, including searching for materials, search strategies, locating materials in the building, search strategies, evaluating sources, and citing sources. While the guide contains much more information, below are some of the highlights you may want to check out first. 

Library of Congress Classification: At UAH, our physical books are arranged and classified by the Library of Congress call numbers. This system is different from the Dewey Decimal System you may already be familiar with. 

Library Terminology: This section contains a glossary of some common library or research terms you may encounter. 

Basic Search Strategies: This section has helpful information on how to find and analyze a research topic and how to search for sources. 

Citation: Professors and publishers in different areas of study will recommend or require you to use different style formats to cite your sources, and in this section you’ll find information on commonly required style guides such as MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian. 

Peer Reviewed and Scholarly Articles: Your professors may require the use of peer reviewed or scholarly journal articles in your research. This section explains what a scholarly journal is, how to determine if something is a scholarly journal source, and how to find them in the library’s collections.

Additional Research Assistance

In addition to the guide mentioned above, the library also provides research assistance in other ways. 

Research Help Desk: Staffed by librarians, we’re here to help with your research or other questions. You can talk to us in-person at the desk, call us, email us, or chat online with us. The desk is open Monday through Friday from 9 am - 5 pm, and Sundays from 1 pm - 10 pm. 

Subject LibGuides: Each subject area at UAH has a dedicated LibGuide created by a librarian to help with research in that subject. In the guide you’ll find recommended databases and resources, search tips, contact information for the subject librarian, and other helpful information.

Subject Librarians: Each subject area also has a dedicated subject librarian who can assist with research questions in their subjects. They are also responsible for managing the library’s collections in their areas and welcome suggestions for new materials. 

One-on-One Research Consultations: Available to all students, these research consultations are whatever you need it to be. During these (completely free!) consultations, you’ll meet one-on-one in-person or remotely with one of our Research Help Desk librarians on the topic of your choice. We can cover general information about library resources, special topics like copyright, or your specific project or your research. Simply fill out our online request form and tell us what you need, and we’ll tailor the session to fit your needs.

Databases: We have over 300 databases available to all students, and links for each one along with a short description are included on our full list here. To access any of the databases, simply click on its name in the list. Many databases contain full-text copies of journals, research articles, eBooks, conference papers, and other electronic resources, while others index such resources, and others offer both. Because some databases are subject-specific or are better suited to particular subjects, our full list can be filtered to only show recommended databases for a specific subject; simply click the “All Subjects” box at the top of your screen and select a subject to view those databases. 

Primo: Often referred to as “Primo” or “Primo Pathfinder,” this search tool can be located on the library home page or in our database list; on our homepage, it’s the black box under “Search the Library” at the top of the page. This search tool searches multiple databases as well as the library catalog and print collections all in one search. You can search by keyword, title, author, subject, and more, and it offers multiple filter options, including material type and publication date, as well as an advanced search option. When you’re beginning your research, it’s an excellent place to start.  

InterLibrary Loan (ILL): If there’s a book or article you need that we don’t own, we can usually get it through InterLibrary Loan. This service is free for students and we offer delivery options for distance learning students.

Finding Biographic Information: This guide offers recommendations and tips for locating biographical information about a person in our collections.

Technology Resources

The MultiMaker Lab: The MultiMaker Lab is open to all students at UAH regardless of major and our equipment can be used for both personal and school projects. The MultiMaker Lab offers equipment such as 3D printers, Glowforge laser printer, sewing/embroidery machine, and computers with multimedia and CAD software for in-lab use, as well as equipment like cameras, microphones, and presentation equipment for checkout. We also offer workshops or one-on-one appointments to learn how to use equipment and software. 

Computers: We offer a variety of computers and software that are free for all students to use. This guide includes a list of the software on our computers, as well as the software included on the laptops we have available for checkout. 

Recording and Presentation Practice Room: The Recording and Presentation Practice Room contains all of the equipment and software needed to record, edit, or practice presentations and video/audio projects. It is available to all students and can be used for personal or school projects. It can be checked out at the front desk or reserved in advance.